Rachel Mueller CD(DONA), CLC, CPM, Certified Professional Midwife, Certified Doula, Certified Lactation Counselor, Placenta Encapsulation Specialist, Childbirth Educator, Professional Belly Binder, Certified Aromatherapist, Certified Acupressure for Birth, & Micobirth Provider.
Home Birth Midwife
It is a privilege and honor to serve as your Home Birth Midwife. 16 years of experience has taught me that birth is not inherently dangerous. Preparation and Compatibility are the keys to successful and safe home or hospital birth experiences. A successful and safe home birth begins with developing a trusting relationship. We will focus on your physical, mental and spiritual health. Great care an attention will be given to you based on your values and preferences. You and your baby’s SAFETY are our top priority. Throughout each trimester will provide you with education on nutrition, physical well being, relaxation, strategies for coping, home preparation, newborn care, and post birth care.
I am accessible 24/7 to address questions, concerns, and talk through tough decisions. Open and honest communication is a vital part of our working relationship. Evidence Based home birth care is the cornerstone of our practice. We address complications immediately. We do not take chances with your health or the health of your baby. When issues arise, we work closely with medical care providers. Transfer to the hospital is seamless and you will be treated with respect. We are committed to meeting all your needs throughout your birthing cycle and beyond.
Welcoming a new member of your family is a blessed event. I look forward to the opportunity to help make all your Birth Day dreams come true!
With Support & Gratitude,
Rachel Mueller CD(DONA), CLC, (M.A.P.), CPM